Monday, December 12

God of War Update 3

I can totally become that Awesome by the next nerd convention...

DAY 28:
I have reached a small hurdle in my plan of becoming the God of War.

I'm not putting on actually any muscle mass. I knew dieting was going to factor in from turning my naturally skinny with high metabolism body which if I remember correctly is called having a (I googled the following word)? body type. Yep, that's what my High School education got me, I remember that there are 3 different types of Body Types.... Impressed?

I still weight 74 kilograms after this past month of push-ups and cardio. Hmmmmmmm this seems like another first world problem to me. I'm doing this for entire selfish and nerdy reasons.

I just did 200 Push-ups on my Perfect Push-up and I feel good. I'll probably be on the thing on and off during the day. My muscles can rest when I sleep. I'm drinking enough water and vitamins to keep my body in tip top shape. I'm also cutting down on my sugar intake.

I wonder if this whole experiment will improve my quality of life...

I really should take pictures... But my camera phone is a piece of crap and I'm not buying a fucking digital camera just to cam whore. (21 Year Old Me would disagree... I should really get a digital camera and make more digital art)

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