Monday, December 5

Gin Nightmare Redux

Previous Gin Nightmare Entry

Hey remember when I was sort of bitching about drinking a whole bunch of gin but kinda gloating at the same time? Yeah!?


Because I did it sort of way. Yeah... Apparently I was a complete asshole and I remember NONE OF IT!

Like stupid idiot dumb guy sort of stupid... Yeah it's that bad to just forget then only remember the non-stupid parts of the night. I honestly thought I was well behaved the entire evening. I hate how Alcohol can do that to me now, it never did that to me before... Or maybe my friends just tolerate my bullshit because he's always that much of an asshole.

I'm starting to heavily reconsider ever drinking alcohol again.

Some of the Highlights I was told was...

I was doing push-ups on the kitchen counter with my feet in the food then starting to fight people. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY? THAT CAN'T BE ME!

Or is it?

I've apologised numerous times but I still feel immensely awful about reaching Super Asshole Mode...

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