Tuesday, June 19

You should be watching this: Breaking Bad


(Artwork by Paul Flanders)

July 15th begins the fifth and final season of one of the best television shows of the past few decades. Anyone that knows about Good television knows about this show. It has unmatched critical acclaim and a mountain of awards.

This is a recap of Breaking Bad Seasons 1 - 4 in 8 minutes. "This video is fucking art, yo". But seriously awesome internet video aside, this show is fucking amazing.

Breaking Bad is a show about a regular guy that looks like Hal from Malcom in the Middle who is a complete chemistry genius but somehow ended up in a low paying desk job as a high school chemistry teacher. I'm half reminded of an old maths teacher at my High School. The man was a complete genius, like rocket scientist level genius. We didn't give him any damn respect, we were a bunch of rowdy teenage assholes that didn't care that our Maths teacher could probably build some kind of Math.... Robot of some kind, I don't know what the Super Maths Guy Breaking Bad equivalent. All I know is that the guy had a Black Belt in Math, I think they call it Like some kind of Super Masters Degree. Like 7 or whatever Years in University getting the highest education in Mathematics degree possible. Anyway we had no idea what that dude was doing on the side, there is no fucking way you can be that damn smart and just teaching a bunch of ingrate kids a skill that they won't really need for most everyday issues. Besides I guess financial management and solving suduko puzzles.

That is why Breaking Bad works, it's just an everyday unsuspecting guy that manages to lead a double life as a Meth Cook. This show makes me want to go re-memorise the periodic table. Filled with awesome characters... well besides the cripple son that only seems to just sit around and eat breakfast. (Oh man could you imagine if the twist at the end of Season 5 is that his Son is a Meth head?)

Although I still wonder if Bryan Cranstan will ever go back doing Comedy after all the success he has found in the Drama genre, then I watch what they have collected on their gag reel and I see that winning 3 Emmys for Best Television Actor doesn't mean you just lose your comedy quirks.

I could honestly go on and on about Breaking Bad so my simplified review is.

Breaking Bad: It's as Good as Meth

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