Monday, February 20

The Bookish Type

Ugh I hate trying to pick up girls at Bars. The awkward approach, the stilted conversation about nothing that you usually have to yell over some over enthusiastic DJ as they attempt to butcher an already awfully over produced song. Its rare to find the right girl at a bar, it's all just a parade of shallow desperate people liquoring themselves up to work up the confidence or just to lower their standards enough to convince someone to sleep with them. There are other purposes and people to find at bars but that's about the broadest conclusion of what a bar is to me.

I love nerdy girls, knowledge is very sexy. You don't see many nerdy girls at bars. Like most nerdy guys they tend to just sit awkwardly in the corner watching the less inhibited people make asses of themselves. You do however see these beautiful creatures behind the counter at Bookstores. It's like some kind occupational requirement to be a cute nerd girl to work at a store like Dymocks.

In Sydney CBD there are 4 Dymocks Bookstores within 6 Blocks of each other. I was searching for a replacement copy of Chris Jericho's 2nd Book Undisputed and apparently only one of the four had it in stock so I went around looking for it. No one warned me that every damn Dymocks in the city was just full of young attractive nerd girls. I actually denied them from helping me because I was embarrassed to admit I was only in the bookstore to buy a Professional Wrestling Biography.

I guess next time I'll try and buy something less embarrassing. What is the sexiest book to buy at a Bookstore? The Alchemist's Cookbook? The Telltale Heart? World War Z?

Emma Watson... Jogging with a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Oh yeah, just a heads up. I adore Emma Watson. Expect a long lengthy entry soon enough about my weird and sick obsession. Until then, enjoy the rap styling of MC Chris. (AKA Hesh from Sealab 2021) and his ode to the nerd girl. this is a fan made clip and the production is a little second rate but its still quite cute.

Although it does remind me that the nerdy look has been cooped into modern culture as a hipster. How this look has managed to become the trending fashion style is beyond me.

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