Thursday, April 12

What would you say to a Million People?

Website: The Listerve

Everyday one person will be able to send an Email to A Million People all over the World.

This is a cute promotion, I have no idea what they might be selling. It seems too "We are the World" to be genuine to me but who knows? Maybe its a social experiment in hopes of bringing out the best in humanity... or what's left of it anyway.

The real question is what would you say to a Million People? If your single email could be read by that many people what could you say? It honestly seems like a lot of pressure if you were a Lucky Winner to me. Pressure to say something meaningful and inspirational.

Would you wish everyone on the mailing list a Nice Day? Would you give them a heartbreaking tale of loss? Would you shamelessly promote your work? There are a lot of ways people could use or exploit this 'e-mail lottery'.

If I was selected I wouldn't have a clue on what to say to the World. Maybe tell them something about myself? Maybe talk about my insecurities or dreams or hobbies? My one opportunity to have my voice heard around the World and I would probably freeze. I'd probably agonise over it, losing sleep and cursing myself days afterwards for the email I do send not living up to my own high rigid standards.

Currently there are only 6,500 subscribers to the e-mail lottery and they'll launch the operation once they hit 10,000. Yeah I know what you're thinking, 10,000 isn't 1,000,000 people, these guys are big fat liars. Let's not listen! Well this initiative started yesterday so give it some damn time. Ten Thousand people is still a lot of people.

I'm still not sure if I'll sign up on the off chance that I might end up being a "Lucky" winner and I blow my spot by talking about something inane like my concerns about shifting weather patterns.

Its really cold here... That's the only thing I have to talk about. I literally have a blanket draped around me and it's the middle of the damn day here.

A part of me really just wants to ironically post the lyrics to the Saddle Club Theme "Hello World".

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