Thursday, December 1

My Name is Gary Oak



I use to have Dreams... Dreams of being a Poke'mon Champion

Maybe then he'll be Proud of me...

I had it all...

Then he took it all away from me...

I Hate You... Red...


Anyway like most Stories this one starts off at the Beginning.

I got out of bed particularly early that morning; I wanted to get going on my Journey to be a Poke'mon Master. I had marched downstairs to find that my lovely sister had cooked me a tasty breakfast... I still miss May. She gave me a tight hug, fed me my "Breakfast of Champions" and tried to give me a Town Map before I left, how thoughtful of her, but even she should know by now how long I've wanted to be a Poke'mon Champion. I had studied for my life journey into the World of Poke'mon... How naive and headstrong I was at the time.

I was waiting in his stupid lab, waiting to finally receive a Poke'mon. My Grandfather promised that when I and Red were 13 we get Poke'mon of our very own. I looked around; none of Gramp’s interns seemed to care, meandering around with clipboards looking at data readings. What mindless drones, you don't study Poke'mon on a computer screen; you go out onto the field and study them. To only think I sometimes snuck into the Viridian Forrest on some nights just to watch the Beedrill fight.

Then he came barging in with Red's Hand clasp and tugging him uncomfortably along. Apparently the idiot left town without a Poke'mon to protect him. Red was always a little slow, always had to have things clearly explained to him before he did anything. No sense of initiative what so ever. I hate him...

Anyway... Gramps stammers about trying to remember my name then Red just coughs my name and he chirps right back up. Senile fool. He remembers Red but he forgets about me... I hate you, Red. Red smiles at me and gives me a genuine and warm smile. I hate him even more.

Why did he always remember you?

The Old man looks puzzled with my presence regardless. I remind him that me and the idiot / lost child he's clutching are both of age to receive Poke'mon. I swear he loves his Poke'mon research more than he loves me. He'll lose all his marbles one day and still know more about a Dewgong swimming in a tank then he would his own Grandson.

He doesn't even talk about Mum and Dad anymore around me...

He wonders back out from the back room with a small trunk. He drops it on the Table in front of us. My First Poke'mon is in that case. Then he unclips it and there are 3 new shiny Poke'balls placed on the inner lining of the case. He releases all 3 in front of us, A Chamander, Bulbasaur and a Squirtle. Well... They are starter Poke'mon, Pretty standard starting Poke'mon, but there is a lot of Potential with these particular 3. Each Third Stage Evolution is a formidable foe in any battle. I look over at Red and let him Pick First, he picks the Chamander, I instantly pick Squirtle.

I smirk and ask Red if he wants to Battle. He agrees and we battle. I destroy him with ease. I picked Squirtle and use my high defense and water advantage over the Chamander fire type. Red is dumbfounded but accepting... I stand triumphantly with my hands on my hips as I belittle him.

It felt great beating him...

It felt better in front of the old Man.

I was almost brashly out the door when the old man hands us both a Poke'dex. The old man was making us go get some research data for him during our quest.

What an asshole...

I agreed... Just so I could keep tabs on Red's progress through my quest.

I kick the door open and set upon my new Quest.


To Be Continued?

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