Friday, May 4

Weekly Wrap Up: Star Wars Day

I've never seen Star Wars. Well I haven't seen it in the sense that I did actually try and sit down one time to watch it but I was 17 and drunk. You know what teenagers are like when they're drunk... We don't care about anyone else's opinion, property or well being and all we want to do is drink more alcohol because we're irresponsible assholes. I like to think I've grown since then but I have still yet to see a Star Wars movie in full.

Yep, I'm going to admit that on Star Wars Day. Every time it was on television as a kid I just... didn't care. I paid no attention to it because it was the 90s and it (a) wasn't a Cartoon and (b) it didn't star Arnold Schwarzenegger. (I spelt his last name wrong but Firefox spell check had that as the top option, Awesome)

Today is May the 4th as in May the Force be with you. Like the nerdy version of prayer, back when the world use to look up to George Lucas as a God. Before he continued to disfigure and cut up his beloved Star Wars franchise with poorly adapted Prequels and unnecessary edits of already amazing films. I haven't seen a Star Wars film but thanks to just being a pop culture nerd, it's hard not to know what goes on Star Wars.

I've seen Star Wars Robot Chicken... If anything that's better than actually watching the original. I've played Knights of the Old Republic and Battlefront. Do I really actually need to watch these films? Probably not, but I have no nerd cred and thus my opinion on all matters nerdy are thus null and void.

Well honestly, besides the release of the Avengers there wasn't really much going on this week? Well not in my world anyway. I did fail to mention ANZAC Day last week, which I guess makes me a bad person. But seriously the idea that Two-Up is only legal on that day really just had me thinking. The Soldiers died for their country and the right to get pissed and win money on coin flips. In fact that really is the definition of being Australian.

But other than that, Happy Star Wars Day... Here's some MC Chris.

This Week on the Internet:


Batman... I don't really need to say much. I'm going to see this movie and I'm now wondering if it can even top the Avengers.


All Cars are Girls

Well I've been following Khyan for some time now and well this videos just need more recognition in my opinion. A great new upload from a up and coming youtube star.


Internet Meme launches Rap Career

Internet Meme Scumbag Steve is a simple series of jokes about Scumbag behaviour in people done under the guise of a douchey looking guy you'd expect this type of behaviour from. This was basic the evil opposite of Good Guy Greg.

Well about the photo of that douchey guy known as Scumbag Steve. Well he's releasing music on his website as he kicks off his weekly song release.


DJ Porter reminds me that Usaain Bolt is kinda Awesome

Fastest Man on Earth is from Jamaica? Will his career be made into a feel good movie like their boob sled team? Nah I got nothing, sweet mix from DJ Porter though.


Journalism is Dead: Another sad story from the Internet

Truly a heartbreaking story, I'd love to know the motive behind the attack but the fact that it has yet to receive any mainstream media attention is rather shocking to me. Had this happened here in Australia this would've been everywhere. Heck, the coverage would've raised awareness and home security systems would just start flying off the shelves.


Go Right

For all those Old School side scrolling gamers out there, you live by one rule. There's the Easy Way and then there's the Right Way.


May 14th is Roller coaster Day

Freddie Wong is championing Roller coaster Day, now living in Sydney. We don't have any Roller coasters any more. Those all god shipped off to Thailand or somewhere in the Pacific Rim when they shut down and closed Wonderland. My Childhood died that day.

But I haven't been on a Roller coaster in years, I literally have a sick craving to go to Dreamworld or wherever the Closet amusement park and ride a Rollercoaster on May 14th... I like to feel like I'm a part of something, don't you take this away from me. Don't judge me.


Kate Upton is still Hot

Terry Richardson takes photos... And videos of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models dancing. This man is clearly doing God's work.

In other news Kate Upton is still ridiculously attractive. It actually makes me mad that she's 19... I don't know why though, I think it's envy or jealousy or a combination of both. Gotta give it up though, she can dance.

Yeah Gurl... I'd like to teach you how to Dougie... on your back... Yeah!

had to get one inappropriate comment in there. Manliness Reclaimed!


Old Ladies watching Porn

If those gals had their own show... I'd watch it. This is just hilarious watching these women honestly comment and critique Kim Kardashian at Sex. It's almost like watching the View years later when they've stopped caring and someone has hidden their meds.


Obama tells some jokes

I... I had no idea that Obama was so up for making jokes about himself and everyone else like that. Just more proof that he is still America's Coolest President.


Rex Velvet Real life Super villain

If you love Superheroes as much as me and live on the internet you might have heard about Phoenix Jones. The Seattle based Superhero that goes around the streets fighting crime. Phoenix Jones has assembled his own group of costumed vigilantes to help him fight crime. Now this Rex Velvet that seems to be a bored Theatre Major wants in on the action.

Now you're probably thinking that this is just some weird shit and I shouldn't bother giving the crazy people my attention. But come on, I'm sure you've seen Superhero movies like Kick-Ass or Batman where one regular man who has had enough of the injustice in the World takes it upon themselves. There was a really good documentary about this released last year called SUPERHEROES. I highly recommend it.

Heck I might just make a separate entry on Real Life Superheroes.


An Awesome Dog video

Just quietly, Dogs rule..... Cats Suck.


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