Tuesday, April 24

What Would happen if they turned off the internet?

If the Internet was Gone: My world would end. How the hell would my spoilt generation of smart phone reliant manchildren be able to function without the use of the internet? The collective hivemind of a socially broken generation that represents itself with idiotic meme worship and social networking.

All of that... Gone.... That would be devastating. Like Natural Disaster level devastating. Would you rather be hit with a Cyclone or lose the Internet?

I personally have grown reliant on the internet for various purposes.

Sexy Picture Purposes aside I use the Internet for: E-Mail, Blogging, Storing of Pictures, Storing and Playing of Games in the Steam Cloud (Online Gaming Account), Social Networking, News Stories, Web Entertainment, Phone Apps, Music, Podcats, TV Shows, Wikipedia (The Encyclopaedia) and a few other services I'm probably forgetting... Oh and Google... I guess.

Oh I wouldn't survive. Heck it would be a body blow if we even lost Youtube or Wikipedia. That may incur Fallout Wasteland rules if the internet was gone. I'd personally like to wish the powers to be that have access to that internet kill switch a pleasant evening. I hope they know that if there is anything I can do to help make the internet a 'better' place then by all means tell me and I'll do what ever you want me to do.

I'd fight a horse to save the internet.

You would have to be an asshole to not suck a dick to save the internet.

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