Thursday, October 13

Just something I did for Class

Here are the draft Synopsis and Treatments for a 10 Minute Short Film Script I'm working on for my Creative Writing class, hopefully I get to make this film because it honestly has some really exciting ideas in it. (Even though I'm borrowing heavily from Good Omens)


Good and Evil are just sides to Crowley and Gabrielle. Bored by the eternal grind of being immortal angels on differing sides of the War they set up a Wager. Who can convert the Soul of an unsuspecting human first?

Act 1:
Crowley and Gabrielle sit at an All Night Café discussing various aspects of being immortal angels, what they’ve seen happen over the course of history while also ripping into each other about how silly their side is.

The Café Waitress listening in on their conversation notes how different they are compared to the other customers. Crowley enlightens her that they are both Angels, Crowley himself is a Demon (A Fallen Angel) whilst Gabrielle is just got into the Human Realm as a Guardian Angel, right now she’s trying to get her wings and has yet to do enough good deeds. Crowley on the other hand chooses to be here because he finds Hell tedious and boring. Ignoring them she walks away unaffected.

Crowley instigates a Wager between the Two considering that he’s already got wind that the Apocalypse is near and they haven’t really got anything better to do. He spots a random walking across the Street and they agree to see how can secure the soul to their side first.

Act 2:
Crowley tempts the Soul using the various Sins to his disposal, Lust, Envy, Pride, Wraith, Gluttony, Sloth and Greed. Gabrielle still new to Human Manipulation rellies Heavy on imparting the Soul with Wisdom, insight, virtue, patience, compassion , understanding and faith. Considering Man is more inclined to Sin Crowley easily wins various interactions with the Soul.

This all plays out with the traditional Angel and Demon on the Shoulder except they’ll just stand next to the Soul and he’ll just continue on unaffected assume that they’re his actual moral conscious.

Act 3:
Just as Crowley is about to secure the Soul Gabrielle whispers something into the Soul’s ear at the last second and they completely switch sides to Good. Crowley amazed asks Gabrielle what she said to convince them otherwise… She reveals she just massaged the truth about Heaven.

Alternate Ending:
She’s was a Demon in disguise and promised to sleep with the Soul, she only took the wager because she wanted to be Satan’s favourite Demon and backstabbing another Demon was considered a great act of Evil.

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