Sunday, February 10

Emma Watch Art Update

I made that from this picture.

I just threw over some colour filters, motion blurred it a few times, cleaned up using a eraser with a fade brim, yeah that's basically it. Lazy photoshop work I guess.

What do you want from me?


EMMA WATCH UPDATE (Some of this is lies)

The Beautiful English rose is set to star in Guillermo Del Toro's remake of Beauty and the Beast. Emma Watson, the new Princess Diana is currently enjoying her life in America. Yesterday she wore light pink track pants and a grey tank top outside as she went for a jog at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Also, quick evaluation of her trash indicates that she also goes through a lot of skim milk and has a lot of broken belts and soiled purses.

This has been a community service announcement.


In other news...

Here's Harry Pootter Co-star Daniel Radcliffe being funny.

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