Sunday, February 3

Lost in the Frank Ocean

An excellent mix of my favourite song at the moment. Frank Ocean's "Lost". So yeah, I guess that makes it Song of the Day.

The clips in the video are from the 2007 Wes Anderson movie 'The Darjeel limited'. A pretty good movie if you ask me, a solid 8 at the most. It's about these 3 brothers that go out and try to have a spiritual journey whilst travelling through Asia to visit their mother. Yeah it's pretentious hipster trash that sells cheap spirituality but you know what.... Fuck you. Some people just need that shit sometimes.

But Anyway...

The main purpose of this entry whilst being my first in a very very long damn time was to talk about Frank Ocean, he's my current musical obsession and in my opinion his debut album Channel Orange should win a stupid industry sponsored trophy award.... thing. What do you call them? Grammys? Yeah, one of those.

Also apparently he and Chris Brown had a Punch Up in a car park this week. Which while childish is pretty rock 'n roll, not quite gangsta but getting in a fight with Chris Brown is quite the story to hear.

If anything I was expecting to hear that Brown hit Ocean (That does sound weird in my head) with a spinning roundhouse kick or at least some bullshit karate. I point to Chris Brown's post Rhianna beatdown single "Yeah 3x" (Yes, I know it's a dumb song name). Check out the striking combination Chris pulls out at 1:30 mark.

It's impressive...

The Balls on him to release a song with that in it right after that whole Rhianna beatdown is just, well I honestly don't know what to make it. Stupid? Bold? Surprising? Dumb? Yeah a combination of those, I can't think of a word.

Here's the TMZ Link, other people get paid to tell about this crap:

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