Sunday, February 12

Tough Love

Now the above video would just seem like an act of Child Abuse. A Father forcing his 4 year old son to run in the icy streets of New York in his underpants as he films it. But that's if you watch it without the context.

The Father of the boy has been identified as an 'Eagle Dad', derived from the method of parenting invoked by Eagles when they throw their young out of the nest to force them to learn how to fly. Now the boy, Dou Dou was born pre-maturely with a lot of health complications and the Doctors said at the time that they weren't sure the kid would even live past the age of 5.

So to counter act this the father hell bent on raising his son 'the Chinese way' devised a rigorous training regime of swimming, mountain climbing, bicycle riding and martial arts. Not to mention that the kid also has a genius level IQ of 218. Due to this insane training schedule the kid is in perfect health and hasn't had to go back to the hospital since. This kind of tough love parenting approach seems harsh but the father later on went to say the boy agreed to run in his underwear after doing a 30 minute run fully clothed before hand.

Extreme climate training is something you hear athletes doing to prepare for major upcoming events, I've seen Rocky IV enough times that the only way to beat a Russian Cyborg Boxer is to train for weeks in the freezing Russian Mountain wilderness.

However since this video was posted many have stated that this is a serve case of Child Abuse and I would say it isn't. It's a little unorthodox but the training regiment this father has his son on is keeping him alive and healthy. This Eastern parenting ideals of being ferociously strict and harsh may not be considered humane to some but it gets results.

Sure he might grow up with a few issues but who doesn't have those these days?

Dou Dou with his genius level IQ and Spartan level training may very well grow up to be Batman... Actually I wonder what would happen if his parents were to be brutally murdered in a alleyway in front of him when he's 10.

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