Friday, March 16

Mirror Move

Now I've been listening through the Radiolab podcast archives again and one of my favourite episodes that I love to re-listen to is 'Desperately Seeking Symmetry'. Now the episode is based around stories of how people seek balance and symmetry in their lives. One of the topics brought up is the Mirror effect and how we perceive ourselves compared to how the World sees us.

Often people forget about how the mirror is a direct reflection rather than how they actually appear to the rest of the world. The left side of your face looks like the right side in the mirror and how you have your hair arranged and certain facial features like moles or scars actually appear on the opposite side of what you see in the mirror. you may think you have your hair parted to the right when everyone else sees you with a left side hair part. Everyone looks at themselves in a mirror everyday (I would assume) and they would be use to seeing a certain person, you might like the person you see in the mirror but when you see a photo of yourself you can often sometimes wonder who that complete stranger is that is supposedly playing you.

To help point out the different perspectives of how people can be seen I'll use the radiolab example of the 16th American President Abraham Lincoln. This is everyone saw the Great leader.

and this is the person that he saw in the Mirror everyday.

They look alarmingly different. Now I'm not exactly sure why a hair part to the left exudes such confidence or leadership but it does seem to be a plausible ideal to have when this subtle change in hair parts has been used to help transition the character of Clark Kent to Superman.

Why the left side is seemingly favoured over the right side is a matter of speculation to me at the moment. Maybe it allures to the left side of the Brain which is the logical orderly side where as the right side the creative imaginative side. Obviously people are more likely to listen to the words of a logical and thought out leader or hero rather then some free thinking sensitive person.

That being said, scientific studies show that a symmetrical face is considered highly attractive. Take a look at the facial break down of Angelina Jolie who is considered one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Maybe the paradigm of beauty is as simple as finding symmetry in someone or something.

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