Friday, November 4

Oh Wonderful Zooey

Zooey Deschanel is Wonderful!

She is the Indie Queen, Hipster Godess, Uber Talented Seductress, Zooey Deschanel!

Its literally unfair that someone that quirky and wonderful exists and is just paraded around in front of everyone like some unobtainable girlfriend. She Honestly is someone you want to just Date, the kind of girl that you just want to have as a Girlfriend.

You've seen her in that movie 500 Days of Summer where she played the title character. The Wonderful girl next door type of Woman, the one that just makes you feel free. She was the same Wonderful Girl in Yes Man that brought the cyical character that Jim Carey played out of his shell. She was also in the Happening... But that movie was a piece of shit.

If you actually watch 500 Days of Summer and somehow ignore all of Zooey's wonderful charm you quickly realise how much of a Cunt that woman was. But because it was played by Zooey Deschanel, you don't feel as cheated. Because she's Wonderful!... But seriously what her character did in that movie was such a bitch move.

Besides being a wonderful actress (Well mediocre at best) She's also in a Band called She & Him with the talented Musician M. Ward. Seriously how someone is so cute and talented exists and is 31 but could pass for any super indie nerd girl you might know if you're lucky.

What can you other than, she's Wonderful!

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