Saturday, September 3

The Ghost of Facebook

Just picturing a Ghost with the Facebook Logo as a face haunting me in my dreams after thinking of that title. How ridiculous...

I had to make a picture after thinking of that too...

Its haunting me, just seeing my friends who do have facebook just starring at you expecting you to cave and go back to the social norm. If they start reminding me how much I need it in life then I'll take that as a small social victory, clearly that want me back into their little social scene. Maybe I should just start telling them to save their breathe to cool their porridge. Which is a fantastic line from the Movie Snatch.

Who said that? None other then the Tattoo Sporting Pikey that's Harder than a coffin nail. One Punch Mickey, aka Gypsy Brad Pitt. Yep... I got nothing else at the moment, just fighting off my Facebook Addiction and using a awesome fiction fighter as my metaphor...

What a Hack Writer... Give up now.

Looks good right?

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