Sunday, September 25

Patience is a Virtue

Afros are cool, ask anyone and they'll agree that Afros are probably the coolest of all Hairstyles. Some of that probably contributes to how Black people are probably the coolest race on the planet and how people with Afros are usually Dancing Machines or Badass Street Vigilantes. (Or occasionally a Samurai Warrior)

Anyway I bring this up because like very few "White" people I am able to grow a very bushy and thick Afro. The only problem is, I lack the patience and perseverance to. There is a half way stage that you get to where you just look stupid, hell Stephen K Amos can describe this better than I can.

Yes even Stephen K Amos who is obviously himself in the shit part of growing an afro... And he does look like a Twat. I mean Really.... Who would want to have like that for months. Then again I've never actually ever seen Stephen with Shorter or Longer Hair.


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